The following is a summary of the news, events and happenings of the Tree Society of Rhodesia from the records we have available for 1971


Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter  January 1971

 Dear Member,

January 17th 0915 hours. Liwonde Farm, Goromonzi.  This is a very interesting area with a good variety of Highveld trees, bushman paintings are also available for inspection.  The area to be visited consists of an extensive and fairly high rocky ridge but, as this can be tackled in several stages, each complete in itself, members should not be put off by the fear of too much climbing.

There are several archaeological sites in the area and as they have still to be properly examined we have been asked not to disturb them.

Lunch and liquid refreshments should be taken.  These should preferably be left in the cars parked at the base of the hill.  However, any particularly energetic people who wish to reach the trig. beacon at the top should, I suggest, bring a haversack and take their lunch up with them.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine,  President



 Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter February 1971

 Dear Member,

February 24th at 2000 hours.  AGM at Queen Victoria Museum Auditorium.

March 21st 0930.    Morning visit to Balancing Rocks area.

JANUARY MEETING:  The January meeting at Liwonde Farm, near Goromonzi, proved to be both instructive and enjoyable.  In spite of threatening weather and heavy rain during the night preceding our visit, on the actual day the weather was very good, no rain but just sufficient cloud cover to keep the temperature down.

The field card returned by our leader, Mr. Trevor Gordon, showed 102 species identified, so the area obviously has great scope for learning more about the trees of the Mashonaland Highveld.

After lunch and a further look at some of the nearer to hand bushman paintings, our hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Parks, gave us an excellent tea and the visit ended with a look at part of Mr. Park’s gem collection and a quick tour of the farm.

YOUNG SCIENTISTS’ EXHIBITION.  The Publicity Manager, YSES, has asked if this society will help in collecting topics for investigation by asking members to offer ideas and subjects, so that a broad and comprehensive range of topics may be compiled for sending out to schools each year.  Offers would also be appreciated from people with sufficient knowledge to provide basic assistance and guidance to youngsters who select a topic within their field.  Please send your ideas and offers to the Secretary.

NEWS FROM BULAWAYO (From Mrs. V. Talbot).   On Sunday 24th January, eighteen people met at the home of Mrs.E. Bullock of Burnside with the object of forming a Bulawayo Branch of the Society.  A small Branch Committee was elected, which has since met and in the process of arranging a lecture and outings for Bulawayo in the near future.  Following the completion of the business of the meeting; those present spent the rest of the morning enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Bullock’s garden.  There were over 70 indigenous species in the garden which were all labeled and this, together with the comprehensive list provided, added to the enjoyment of a beautiful garden.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS:  In conclusion may I appeal to all who have still to pay their 1971 subscriptions to do so as soon as possible.  The Society has to pay for Science News, in advance, for the whole year and  is accordingly already committed in this regard on behalf of all members.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine,  President



Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter March 1971

 Dear Member,

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING.  This was very well attended with nearly 50 members present.  The minutes will be circulated with the April Newsletter.

MARCH MEETING:  The March meeting will be a morning visit to the Balancing Rocks area where members should meet at 0930 hours on Sunday March 21st.

The area generally was very grossly maltreated for many years.  It is now almost completely fenced and after only one rainy season the recovery is most noticeable and now probably a hundred different species of woody vegetation can be seen.  At the fence lines the comparison between protected and non protected areas is most noticeable.

There are also Bushman paintings to be seen and, it is suggested, that morning tea should be brought. Members of the Mountain Club who use the area as a practice ground will be attending the outing to explain the significance of the rocks to their Club.

BULAWAYO AREA FORTHCOMING MEETINGS:  At the National Museum at 2200 hours on Friday March 19th, Miss I. McCalman will give a lecture on the utilization of indigenous trees.  Miss McCalman has made a study of the use made of trees, their wood, bark, flowers, fruit etc., by the African people, and this should prove a most interesting and informative lecture. Home brewers, will probably add to their repertoire if they attend!

Following this, Miss McCalman has invited members of the Society to visit her farm Amalundu in Sunday 21st March when she will show us some, if not all, of the trees mentioned in her lecture.  It is suggested that members plan to arrive at about 1000 hours when tea will be served, bring your own cups if possible, following which Miss McCalman will show us around.  There is sufficient to keep us interested for a whole day, so those members who would like to make a day of it should bring lunch and refreshments.

COMBINED OPERATION WILDFLOWER WITH THE ALOE SOCIETY:  Your Society has had in mind for some time to have aloes planted on some of the more barren and rocky north facing slopes of the Lake McIlwaine Arboretum.

A new dam is to be built at the confluence of the Ruwa and Hunyani Rivers as a result of which a very extensive colony of Aloe chabaudii will be flooded.  We, therefore, propose, in conjunction with the Aloe, Cactus and Succulent Society to collect as many of the threatened plants as possible and transfer these to the Arboretum.  In addition, plants will be collected for the National Archives and Ewanrigg National Park.

We will meet at the Radar Tower which is just beyond the entrance to Salisbury Airport at 0830 on Saturday 3rd April.  Some four to five guides will be available to take batches of cars to the site which is just less than 7 miles from the Radar Tower, a fifteen minute journey.  Please note that the last guide will leave the Tower at 0900 sharp.  Cars will be parked a few hundred yards from the Aloe colony and, if possible, transport arrangements will be made to transport the plants to the cars.  In case these do not materialize, please bring sacks to help us to get the aloes to the cars, workers will also be of obvious value.  Obviously station wagons, cars with large boots and or roof racks will be the most suitable for this occasion but please do not stay away if you only have a small car.

It is hoped that the attendance will be such that many hundreds of aloes can be collected, they are fortunately not particularly large plants.  We would like at least 200 for our own part of the project.

As cars are filled they will return to Salisbury and then proceed to the Arboretum.  Cars will take the road to the Hunyani Poort tea room and will be allowed up the road to the top of the dam wall, this giving the nearest aspect to where the aloes are to be planted.  Setting out and planting the aloes will start straight away.  A picnic lunch, or one at the tea room, will be taken at the arboretum after which replanting will continue.  As a finale it is suggested that the members of the two societies get together at the Hunyani Hills Hotel on the way home.

MELSETTER ARBORETUM:  Mr. Batty, a member of this Society and Secretary of the Melsetter Rural Council, reports that he has started on the 31 acres arboretum in Melsetter, having planted well over a hundred indigenous seedlings transplants and truncheons.  The top, Southern, portion is for indigenous trees only.  The lower, Northern, portion, which is riverine and has two small dam-lakes, can be planted with both exotic and indigenous in due course.  The inner perimeter of the fenced 31 acres he is putting to flowering shrubs and has installed four turn-styles to permit pedestrian entry at various points and to exclude cattle.  This year Mr. Batty has concentrated on the South West corner, opposite the hotel, where some 2 – 3 acres have been planted.  The weather has been perfect and all plantings appear to be thriving.  Further portions will be opened up each year.  Mr. Batty concludes his report by saying that any suggestions or help with seedlings etc. will be appreciated, the Forestry Commission already having been most helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine,  President



 Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter April 1971

 Dear Member,

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING:  The minutes of the 1971 AGM which was held in February are enclosed with the Newsletter.  I would particularly draw your attention to the remarks concerning the Hon. Treasurer.  After many years sterling service Mrs. Tunney has stated that this is the last year she will be available for this duty.  A volunteer is accordingly required to start taking over towards the end of this year.

APRIL MEETING:  This will be a morning visit to the National Botanic Gardens at Alexandra Park at 0930 hours on the morning of Sunday April 18th.  Mr. Drummond will be in attendance on the Herbarium side with Mr. Muller showing us around the Gardens.  I have asked Mr. Muller to have available membership forms for those members who feel able to join the friends of the Botanic Gardens.  The annual subscription is only $4.00 and I am sure all who are able to attend the April meeting will see for themselves the excellent work being undertaken by the staff there, and will appreciate how necessary it is that funds continue to be made available for further development.  I feel it is no good just raising the parrot cry of “The government should do something about this” we must also do something ourselves.

May 16th – All day visit to Audley End Farm, Darwendale.  This visit to Mr. Trevor Gordon’s farm will be combined with another teaching clinic, rather on the lines of that undertaken at Mayfield Park, last year.

FORTHCOMING EVENTS IN THE BULAWAYO AREA:  There will be an outing on the afternoon of Saturday 17th April to study the trees in the vicinity of the Maleme Rest Camp.  The Leader will be Mr. Biegel of the Herbarium and Botanic Gardens in Salisbury who has done a considerable amount of work in the Matopos area.  Members are to meet Mr. Biegel near the office at the Maleme Rest Camp at 1430 hours.  Please bring your own refreshments.

COMBINED OPERATION WILDFLOWER WITH THE ALOE SOCIETY:  In spite of a lower than expected turn out of members of this Society to the combined exercise conducted with members of the Aloe, Cactus and Succulent Society to transfer aloes to the Lake McIlwaine Arboretum, the result was most successful.  Between twelve and fifteen hundred specimens of Aloe chabaudii were removed from a site in the vicinity of the confluence of the Ruwa and Hunyani rivers which will soon be inundated due to the building of a new dam and replanted at the Arboretum.  To all those members who were able to take part as well as to the helpers from our sister society may I say thank you very much for all their very hard work.

TREE SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN AFRICA: Due to the greatly increased costs involved in bringing out their quarterly publication, the Tree Society of Southern Africa has had to increase the price to 75 cents per copy.  This means it would cost $3.00 a year for members of this society to get the journal as against the special price of $1 presently paid.

Country membership of the society is however only R2 and accordingly it would be far better for members who wished to receive the journal to become country members of our South African counterpart which, of course, would allow participation in any of the regular functions which are held monthly, usually in the Johannesburg area.  Outings do however take place in the Northern Transvaal from time to time.

As all who do receive the South African publication will, I am sure, agree with me, it is very good value for money, with interesting articles and excellent illustrations.  A supply of Application for Membership forms has now been received from Johannesburg, and can be obtained on application to the Secretary.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine,  President



 Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter May 1971

Dear Member,

 MAY MEETING:  This will be an all day visit to Trevor Gordon’s farm Audley End in Darwendale.  Please by at the farm by 0945 so that we can start the meeting at 1000 sharp.

The meeting will commence with a teaching clinic by Mr. Gordon on the following trees, notes concerning which will be distributed at the meeting.

Dichrostachys cinerea;  Swartzia madagascariensis; Strychnos cocculoides; Monotes glaber; Strychnos innocua; Hexalobus monopetalus; Strychnos spinosa; Ochna puberula; Canthium wildii; Burkea africana.

Following the clinic we will examine the immediately adjacent five acres of forest land in which another 50 or 60 species are present.

Don’t forget to bring your lunch.  This will be taken at a nearby camping spot where there will be facilities for making fires and also a water trailer with borehole water for those who wish to make fresh tea.  There are also toilets in the grounds.

After lunch we will inspect the kopje at the back of the house.  This has been pathed and a large number of trees have identification labels.  In addition to existing species, other indigenous trees have been planted.

The visit will end with tea provided by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon who have requested that members should provide their own cups.

NEWS FROM BULAWAYO:  On Saturday April 17th a number of the Bulawayo Branch met Mr. Biegel of the Herbarium at Maleme Rest Camp in the Matopos.  Although one specimen of each species in the camp is labeled, it was helpful to have pointed out, and both beginners in identification and the more experienced learnt a great deal from his useful comments.  Some specimens brought by members were identified while a few were taken away for checking in the Herbarium.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine,  President



 Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter June 1971

 Dear Member,

This very successful meeting at Audley End Farm, Darwendale, was highlighted by the excellent teaching clinic by Mr. Gordon on the species of trees which were detailed in last month’s newsletter.  There are still some copies left of the notes on those trees which were handed out at the meeting.  Any members who were unable to attend the meeting and would like a copy of the notes should drop me a line.

JUNE MEETING:  This is an all day visit to Mr. D. M. Moubray’s farm, Chipoli, Section D, which is twelve miles beyond Shamva.  Please arrange to arrive at Chipoli between 0930 and 0945 and I suggest you allow 75 to 90 minutes for the journey.

As mentioned previously, since Chipoli farm is only 2800 feet above sea level, we will be able to study the lowveld vegetation for a change.  Species which it is felt should be particularly noted are:

Albizia zimmermannii;  Dalbergia arbutifolia; Antidesma venosum;  Diospyros  squarrosa; Bauhinia tomentosa; Diospyros mespiliformis; Berchemia discolor; Ficus stuhlmannii; Canthium frangula; Garcinia livingstonei; Combretum elaeagnoides; Manilkara mochisia; Commiphora pyracanthoides; Maerua kirkii; Crossopteryx febrifuga; Pterocarpus rotundifolius subsp.polyanthos var.martinii; Schrebera trichoclada; Strychnos madagascariensis; Strychnos potatorum; Terminalia sambesiaca.

 Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine, President



 Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter, July 1971

 Dear Member,

JUNE MEETING:  The June visit to Chipoli Farm, Shamva, was extremely well attended with some 60 members and guests participating.  The weather was perfect and a most enjoyable, as well as instructive day was spent by all.  I would like to express our thanks to our hosts for their generous hospitality.

JULY MEETING, SUNDAY 18TH JULY:  This is an all day visit to Wedza Mountain, and the meeting place is the District Commissioner’s office at Wedza, which is 83 miles from Salisbury.  Please plan to arrive at Wedza by 0930.  1.75 hours should suffice for travelling.

As there is a further 15 miles of dirt road to our final stopping point in the mountains, I suggest we do the last portion in the minimum number of cars.  Will people who leave their cars at Wedza Township please remember to transfer their lunch baskets as we will take lunch on the mountain.

Unusual trees which we will be looking for are:  Chaetacme aristata;  Olea capensis; Craibia brevicaudata; Olinia vangueroides; Fagaropsis angolensis; Oxyanthus speciosus; Homalium dentatum Strophanthus speciosus; Ilex mitis; Strychnos mitis. 

NEWS FROM BULAWAYO:  Mr. Justice Greenfield has very kindly agreed to allow the Society to visit his farm, Manyoni, in the Matopos on Sunday 25th July.  Members should assemble at the High Court at 0900 hours.  Bring lunch and refreshments.

Report on a visit to Gwaai Forest Reserve:  By arrangement with Mr. G. Judge, Conservator of Forests, 23 members and guests of the Matabeleland Branch of the Tree Society of Rhodesia visited the Gwaai Forest Reserve on June 6th.

They were met 74 miles out of Bulawayo on the Victoria Falls Road by Mr. Farquhar and his wife and Mr. Calvert and spent the day touring parts of the Forest Reserve, including experimental plots and one of the Rhodesia Native Tiber Concession Sawmills, finishing with a quick look at the riverine trees on the Bembesi.

Three species of indigenous trees there are of economic importance; teak, Baikiaea plurijuga; Mukwa, Pterocarpus angolensis and MTahibi, Guibourtia coleosperma, with muNgongo or Rhodesian Balsa, Ricinodendrea rautanenii gaining favour.  All are present on the Kalahari Sands of the area, Teak and muNgongo being restricted exclusively to these soils.

Mr. Farquhar explained the parallel wave formation of the Kalahari Sands in the north west of Matabeleland.  Sand depths bearing timber trees vary from 12 to 300 feet overlying forest sandstone and basalt.  Teak forests only appear in Matabeleland although there are pockets of Kalahari Sand as far east as Umvuma.  The Gwaai Forest Reserve comprises a .25 million acres of the 2.5 million acres of the whole Forest Reserve of Matabeleland.

Experimental plots demonstrated the detrimental effects of fire and there had been some surprising results from a scheme of game cropping and that game will be encouraged but where they do not infiltrate in sufficient numbers, the more expensive but much simpler to manage method of cattle grazing will need to be implemented.

Little is known of the age of Teak as it does not show annual rings in the heartwood but the felling cycle of timber size trees is now estimated at 40 years.  The actual time from seedlings to timber size may be 3 or 4 times this.

There was a tremendous contrast in vegetation between the open grassland of the vleis, where frost and moisture controls the growth of trees, the marginal areas of Terminalia sericea and the higher ridges of Kalahari Sand which carry the economic species.  Again different was the flora at the Bembezi River where huge Acacia galpinii, Acacia nigrescens and Ficus sp. were seen during a very short stop.

The gratitude of members for a most instructive and interesting day goes out to our hosts who spared nothing in answering our questions and showing us as much as possible in the relatively shot time.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine, President



 Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter, August 1971

 Dear Member,

JULY MEETING: The meeting at Wedza mountain, coming relatively so soon after last year’s visit was, not surprisingly, not as well attended as our June trip to Chipoli.

In the event, on the advice of Mr. Muller, the southern peak of the mountain ceased to be our objective, his experience being that the type of vegetation we were looking for was more prevalent and much easier of access, on the north.  In addition to the gullies looked at last year, we explored the lower portion of one of them.  It was most interesting to note the change from the montane forest growth to that more common in the middle and lowveld, excellent specimens of Mimusops zeyheri were particularly noticeable.

Of the trees listed in last month’s newsletter, all were found except Oxyanthus speciosus and there must be some doubt now as to whether it does in fact occur on Wedza.

AUGUST MEETING, SUNDAY 15TH AUGUST:  This can be either a morning or an all day visit to the Velebit Section of Templeton Ranch, depending on personal preference. In the morning we will visit an extensive, but not very steep, kopje on the ranch.  In addition to bushman paintings there are many fine specimens of trees, most of which we have admittedly seen recently at Liwonde and Audley End but which I am sure we can all do with studying further.  Trees I suggest we particularly look at are :  Monotes glaber;  Stereospermum kunthianum; Monotes engleri; Tricalysia angolensis;  Strychnos madagascariensis;  I cannot, unfortunately, guarantee that the Stereospermum will be in flower.

Those staying for the day will eat their lunch at a spring, Mr. Templeton assures me the water is quite bilharzia free, where there are waterberries and Maesa lanceolata as well as plenty of specimens of the palm Phoenix reclinata, and this is a most delightful spot.

In the afternoon we will inspect the nearby Dyke portion of the ranch.  The particular tree to note here is Ozoroa longipetiolata which is endemic to the Dyke.  In spite of being considerably cut before power was available to the mines some 25 years ago, there are many good specimens still.


We can lose the Makabusi Woodland.  Plans exist to establish a housing complex on it, though for long we have strongly recommended that it be left undisturbed, but protected, as a natural park.  Most other cities recognize such a need, but not Salisbury.  Professional and amateur scientists who have visited it agree that it must be preserved.

However, the number of converts is small because so few have accepted offers of a conducted tour, the total cannot exceed 200.  We have had good support from the press, but this does not make converts.

Is it any wonder then that we are likely to lose the woodland.  We surely will unless there is more support.  This can be created quite simply by taking friends to see it and persuading them to do likewise.  Start a snowball.

Tell them that soon every good job will require some understanding of science, and that the best way to get children interested is by an early introduction to natural science.  Ask them how many readily accessible places remain where this can be done.

The variety of trees is considerable and of the commoner ones there are unusually large specimens.  Perhaps a third of the woodland has suffered from cultivation and hacking of trees but much is still unspoilt.

The course of the river is almost destitute of trees, the water which once splashed around huge boulders and over rock slabs into pools is now a filthy trickle.

This was once Salisbury’s favourite picnic spot. It could be made so again.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine, President



 Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter,  September 1971

 Dear Member,

AUGUST MEETING:  Once again there was a drop in the number attending the meeting.  Although admittedly a fair number of trees are without leaves at this time of the year, there was still plenty to see and I am sure all who did go will agree with me that the outing was very well worthwhile particularly the lunch time inspection of the trees around the spring and the afternoon visit to the Great Dyke.  After leaving Templeton Ranch, some of us had a look at the trees at the top of Lembwe pass.  This is in the middle of the Dyke area and is devoid of chrome toxicity, the rocks being pyroxenites.  The difference in vegetation was very marked, the area generally obviously being very fertile and we saw some of the finest specimens of the violet tree, Securidaca longipedunculata, that I have ever seen.

SEPTEMBER MEETING –SUNDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER:  This visit to the Surtic area of the ranching division of the Mazoe Citrus Estates can be either a morning or an all day outing according to preference, as the organized portion of the visit can easily be completed in time for those who wish to do so to return to Salisbury for lunch.

Mr.Jeremy Ascough will be the outing leader and a broadsheet will be available at the meeting describing the trees that will be seen along the walk from the parking area to the bushman paintings.  Cassia abbreviata and Erythrina latissima should both be in flower.  Both Uapaca are present the common mahobohoba, U. kirkiana as well as the rarer U. nitida.  Other trees or shrubs to be seen are Strychnos madagascariensis, Sterculia quinqueloba, Kirkia acuminata, Commiphora marlothii, Euclea crispa, Vernonia bellinghamii and the creeper Phytolacca dodecandra.

As the area is a ranch even greater then normal precautions against fire must be observed as the grass is tinder dry.


There are over 500 species of grass in Rhodesia.  Details of 107 of these are given in an NRB publication “Common Veld Grasses of Rhodesia” which was prepared by Chris Lightfoot and is available from the Government Printing and Stationery’s Publications office.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine, President



 Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter,  October 1971

 Dear Member,

SEPTEMBER MEETING:    This was a well attended and most successful meeting.  Mr. Ascough’s method of presenting the trees he was describing was most appreciated by all those at the meeting.  A specimen of each of the first fifteen trees described and numbered in the broadsheet had a plate, similarly numbered, by its side and this certainly helped to overcome the spreading out of the party which is of course, such a common feature of our outings.

OCTOBER MEETING – 26TH OCTOBER, RANCHE HOUSE:  Mr. Stephen Marvi, a member of the staff at the Herbarium will present a talk on “Shona plant names and uses” at Ranch House at 2000 hours on the 26th October.

The lecture will, I understand, be based on one given by Mr. Marvi to a Ranche House Natural History course earlier in the year.  This was reported as being so interesting and instructive that it was decided to ask Mr. Marvi to address our society.

Specimens of the various plants will be displayed at the same time as the lecture and I have no hesitation in recommending the meeting to you.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine, President



 Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter, November 1971

 Dear Member,

OCTOBER MEETING:  Mr. Marvi’s talk on “Shona plant names and uses” was, as expected, a most interesting and instructive one, in which he gave details of the basis for the Shona groupings of plants. The majority of the groups, into which plant life is divided, depend on the uses to which the trees, shrubs herbs and grasses are put, although a considerable part is also played by the various animals particularly caterpillars, to which the plant acts as host.

I have asked Mr. Marvi to consider writing an article on his subject and trust that when he does so it will be published in Rhodesia Science News.  I am sure that any assistance he may require in this regard will be forthcoming from his colleagues at the Herbarium.

NOVEMBER MEETING, BINGA SWAMP FOREST.  21ST NOVEMBER:  For this visit cum working party to Binga Swamp Forest area the meeting place will be the turn off into the forest area.  As was done last year, the outing will consist not only of a look at the trees and an inspection of the area generally, but we will also have another go at the exotics that have invaded the forest.  As the worst of these is the Mauritius thorn, a pair of gardening gloves will be very useful.  I need hardly add, I trust, that those of you who can bring a worker with you will be doubly welcome as these can also be well employed in the eradication programme.

BULAWAYO BRANCH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING:  The AGM of the Bulawayo Branch of the Tree Society of Rhodesia will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Bullock on the afternoon of Sunday 15th January at about 3.30 p.m.  The programme will include a leisurely tour of the trees in Mrs. Bullock’s garden, followed by tea and then the meeting itself.  We may be able to arrange for a speaker to give a short talk after the business of the meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine, President



 Tree Society of Rhodesia Newsletter, December 1971

 Dear Member,

NOVEMBER MEETING:  The attendance at the visit to the Binga Swamp Forest area was very disappointing and I trust that this was more on account of the threatening nature of the weather than because it was announced as a visit cum working party!

In the event, the rain held off until we had completed our morning chores and I would like to express my thanks to those who did come for all their hard work in tackling the Mauritius Thorn, of which, unfortunately, large quantities still remain to be removed.

I would particularly like to thank, on your behalf the Arcturus Rural Council for the provision of the access road, which is now quite safely negotiable by any car.  To the Council Secretary, Mr. Carey, who is of course a member of this Society, we also owe thanks for erecting the Natural Resources Board’s notices proclaiming the Protected Area.

SEASON GREETINGS AND REQUESTS:  May I end by sending to you all the very best wishes of your Committee for a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year and by reminding you that subscriptions for 1972 should be sent in as soon as possible in January.

Should there be any members who wish to resign, will they please do so before the end of this month so that arrangements can be made with the Association of Scientific Societies in Rhodesia for this Society’s subscription on their behalf to lapse.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Irvine,  President