TREE LIFE MAY 2023 Welcome all, this is the bumper issue signalling the end of a year of Tree Society botanising and activities and the beginning of a new one going forward. Further inside you [...]
TREE LIFE APRIL 2023 Hymenodictyon floribundum at Kopjie Tops, Mvuradonha. Photo by Rob Jarvis. Welcome everyone to this issue of Tree Life. A bit of a bumper one thanks to the diligence of Ian [...]
TREE LIFE MARCH 2023 Above you can see the sort of tree that our Chairman, Tony Alegria is suggesting on page 3 that each and every one of us is capable of investigating and turning into an [...]
TREE LIFE FEBRUARY 2023 Hi Everyone, Just thought I would kick off this Newsletter with this magnificent pre-sunrise view that greeted my early morning departure from home to work. The two trees [...]