Some of our members regularly use the Herbarium, for research but mainly to identify trees that have been seen on a tree outing. As a “thank you” to the Herbarium, which is located within the National Botanic Garden, the Tree Society of Zimbabwe has the premises fumigated twice a year. We thank Fumigation Services for carrying out the task at a much reduced fee as a “Community Service”.
The Society has two regular outings each month where members and non-members are shown how to recognise the many different trees.
Visitors intending to come to any of these should check with the Secretary that they are in fact taking place and obtain further details.
The first outing is a walk in the National Botanic Gardens Harare. This usually starts at 8.30am and ends at 10.00am on the first Saturday of each month. These walks enable members to study particular tree families or genera and make use of the extensive collections of indigenous trees.
We then have one more outing either on a third Sunday morning or on a Saturday afternoon. This is subject to change.
The outing that takes place on the third Sunday of the month can be an all-day outing to a place of interesting trees, generally within about a 150 km radius of Harare. The outing takes the form of an informal, guided walk, usually led by a member of the Society, in which the trees found are identified, discussed and recorded. Members bring chairs and their lunch so that they are able to enjoy the social aspect of the outing after the walk.
In May, this Third Sunday outing is replaced by the Annual General Meeting which is usually held at a venue close to Harare. The annual Social now takes place after the AGM which can be a bring and share lunch or a braai. The scavenger hunt and fun quiz also take place on the day.
The fourth Saturday outing takes place at 2.30 pm in the afternoon. This is usually a local walk in a garden or park in and around Harare. Although non-members are very welcome to attend any of the monthly outings, private gardens are reserved for members only.
Details of the outings for the month are emailed to members every month, which may be listed on our Facebook page and will be in Tree Life, the Society’s newsletter that members receive every month. However, if you do want to come along, Please contact us if you would like to find out where we are meeting next.
Sometimes, once or even twice a year we have a week end outing to a place of interest. Normal monthly outings are for members and non-members, however these away outings are strictly for members.
Upcoming Outings
Saturday morning National Botanical Garden walk. We will look at anything of interest. Join us for a 1.5 hour walk, we will start at 08:30am from the usual place – the car park.
Saturday morning National Botanical Garden walk. We will look at anything of interest. Join us for a 1.5 hour walk, we will start at 08:30am from the usual place – the car park.
Saturday morning National Botanical Garden walk. We will look at anything interesting! Join us for a 1.5 hour walk, we will start at 08:30am from the usual place – the car park.
Whilst non-members are very welcome to join us on afternoon or morning day outings, only members will be permitted to go on weekend outings.
All future outings are advertised in the latest Tree Life – the society’s newsletter.
Recent Outings
Directions: Coming from town on the ED Mnangagwa (Enterprise) Road, turn right into Kent Road (shortly before the Lewisam Shops and first right after Nazareth House), No 34 is on the right before the hill.
Saturday morning National Botanical Garden walk. We will look at anything interesting! Join us for a 1.5 hour walk, we will start at 08:30am from the usual place – the car park.
Recent outings reports are all covered in our newsletter – Tree Life.